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Solar Pool Heater - Sizing & Quote

Heat Perception Based - Solar Pool Heating Sizing Calculator

This revolutionary interactive sizing calculator will size a solar heating system for a pool or spa, based on a universal "feels like" air temperature; recognizing the fact that people in cooler states are heartier than people in warmer state, hence adjusting for Australian regional and seasonal acclimatization factors.

For a full instant quote fill out all four tabs/pages and it will supply a link that will put your system into your cart. If you get stuck or have a question you can submit the details using the green Submit button on the "Instant Quote" tab and, we'll get back to you via email shortly.

If you want an accurate assessment of monthly pool water temperatures, try our solar pool heating simulator/calculator. Just plug in the advice on system sizing you get from this calculator into the simulator to see if you're going to be happy with the season extension.

Note: use Google maps to approximate your collector compass facing direction; true North points up on the page.

* Use a time and area average, hence if half the pool is shaded for half the day, the setting should be 25%. As another example if 100% of the pool is shaded for half the day use a 50% setting.
§ Please note, while a solar blanket will make a large difference to the water temperature, we don't recommend you size down your system as you may get tired of using a blanket, or you may sell your house. However, if you do want to size it down you can use the previous Usage, budget and expectations settings.
‡ Please refer to our solar pool heating manuals on our download page for different types of plumbing arrangement. Note: manual systems are sized with 20% larger collectors to account for the fact that most people only use manual type systems over the weekend.

System Sizing Guarantee

Sizing systems is difficult involving a lot of factors which we could get wrong. We stand by this sizing calculator, however if your heating requirements are incorrectly sized and you are not happy with the results we feel that you shouldn’t be charged the extra shipping costs for extra HDPE panels should you require them. Hence EcoOnline offers the following System Sizing Guarantee: If you purchase a heating system and you took our calculators advice on panel sizing and you aren’t happy with the system's performance, then you can purchase up to 25% more panels originally supplied by EcoOnline up to two years after your original purchase and we will ship the items free of shipping charges.